Power to Flex

In the “Power to Flex” project, SMEs in cooperation with research institutions generate concepts for P2G (power to gas) and P2H (power to heat) applications, in order to tackle the challenge that result from intermittent renewable power production. In cooperation with customers and consumers, these concepts will be developed into marketable products and services. 

Three test facilities will be built, which can contribute to balancing the smart grid:

  • A small P2G/P2H plant that stores hydrogen, heat and electricity for households or small businesses
  • A small hydrogen refuelling station that moderates the peaks and dips in power demand
  • A medium-sized test installation for power storage for housing complexes or businesses. 

PLANET's role 

PLANET will analyse business models for hydrogen refuelling stations in the project region and identify favourable station locations.

Key data 

The project is co-funded by the European INTERREG V A Deutschland-Nederland Programme for cross-border cooperation. 

For more information please visit: http://www.powertoflex.eu/en/